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Dancing With Demons Page 5
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Page 5
I take a deep breath to calm my agitation. I need to find out everything I can before I go. “We know that demons like metal, right? So maybe we should be checking weird occurrences at all the places that have a large buildup of metal. Like the scrap metal yard, the train station, that kind of thing?”
“Sure, that’s a good idea. I can do that tonight. It’s a big area though, Hazel. Don’t be surprised if we can’t find anything.”
“The way my life is going at the moment, I think the demons will probably find me before I have to go searching for them,” I mutter under my breath.
“You might be right,” he says softly.
It’s one of the few times he’s clearly shown me that his hearing is much better than a normal human’s would be. I have to remind myself that Blade isn’t a normal human man. I don’t know anything about him, not really. Just that he’s part of a secretive organization who might decide to kill me because I’ve been possessed by a demon.
That’s all.
I can’t think of anything else to say to Blade, so we finish the rest of the ride home in silence. It should be weird and awkward, but there’s something soothing about his large presence that helps me tune out the rest of the world and focus on right now. I manage to stop worrying about all my problems for a while and just let the song in my head take me on a journey.
“You’re doing it again,” says Blade, as he turns onto my street.
“Humming.” He parks in the small parking lot behind the apartment building. “You do it all the time, and you just don’t notice.”
“I didn’t do it at work today,” I counter.
“Yes, you did.”
“All day?”
He nods.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It wasn’t a problem.”
“Then why tell me now?” I feel my cheeks flush.
“I don’t want you dragging any demons to your house. We need it to be a safe zone.”
“You really think...?”
“I don’t know. And until I know for certain one way or the other, I don’t want you to hum at your apartment if you can manage it.” He holds the door to the building open for me, and lets me go first up the stairs. I take them slowly, leaning on the rail and my good leg. But my stab wound is already much better, the skin knitting back together under the bandage, and the ache much less today.
I make it to my floor without having to get Blade to help me, and pull out my keys to open the door. Inside my apartment, Nelson is at it again, this time playing a game on his own, beating the computer.
“Hey, Nelson,” says Blade casually. He moves around me, and heads to the kitchen.
I stand just inside the doorway and stare at Nelson. I don’t know quite what to say. Nelson has never been here when I arrived home from work before. Not on his own like this. This is a whole new level in our relationship.
“Hey, Hazel. Hey, Blade. I gotta get home now, my mom wants me to make dinner. I worked on my statue for a bit, and I’ll come back later if it’s okay?” He stands up and casually heads toward the door, like nothing strange has happened.
I feel like my world has tilted a little. “Okay,” I manage.
“What’s the matter?” asks Blade once Nelson has gone. “You look pale.”
“He’s never done that before,” I say.
“Made dinner for his mother?”
“Been here when I got home from work.”
“What’s the big deal? You’re helping him with the project. It’s fine.” Blade dismisses my words with a wave of his hand.
I nod in agreement, trying to make it okay in my head. I know my reaction doesn’t make sense; Nelson has been over at my place so often lately. But seeing him here when we arrived home tonight just highlights how much our relationship has changed. The only way I used to know he’d been in my apartment was if I noticed he’d taken one of my cookies, and to be honest that was almost never. Now he’s staying until I get home just to say hi? What if something happens to Nelson because he’s over here? What if a demon comes by to snack on me, and Nelson’s here instead?
“He shouldn’t come over here without my permission,” I say, starting to feel a little hysterical. Part of me acknowledges that I’m closing the gate after the horse has bolted, but the panic is pushing to get out. I reach up to the cupboard to get a mug for my coffee. My hand and now my arm are glowing blue. The little demon is twittering inside my head, pushing at me.
I snatch my hand back down and hold it against my stomach for a couple of seconds, holding my breath and trying to get the glow to disappear. I glance over to Blade, only to find him watching me closely.
“What’s the matter?” he asks softly.
For a second, I manage to keep it in, and then it comes spewing forth. “I can’t look after him. I can barely keep myself safe. How am I supposed to keep a kid like Nelson safe?”
“From demons?”
I wave my hand around. “From everything.” All I can see is the overwhelming splattering of blood as a demon tore into Becca all those years ago. She was young, not much older than Nelson. He would be just as helpless as she was in the face of that kind of attack. Getting closer to me will only put Nelson in danger. My chest tightens and I struggle to take a breath.
Blade walks over to me and, without hesitating, takes me in his arms, hugging me tight against him.
I open my mouth to say something, and find I’ve got nothing to say. Everything is happening around me, like a whirlwind I can’t control, and I don’t know what I should do. So I just lean into his hug, laying my head against his chest.
Most of me knows I shouldn’t let him comfort me like this, that I can’t get used to leaning on him. But the rest of me, the part that’s tired, and worried, and scared… that part is happy to let him give me a moment of safety and rest amongst everything else. It’s been so long since I had anyone who knew me well enough to just give me a hug like this, I almost don’t know how to act.
He’s a good friend. Friends get to comfort each other, even I know that. It’s not his fault he doesn’t want more. It’s not his fault I’d like to kiss him again. That his hard muscles under his shirt are driving me a little nuts. I take a shaky breath and close my eyes. I breathe in his unique scent, fresh citrus with a hint of the wild, and let it calm my thoughts.
Eventually, I lean back and look up at him. “Thanks,” I say. “I needed that.”
“I’m here to help you. I’ll keep an eye on Nelson as well. We won’t let anything happen to him.”
I nod. “That helps,” I whisper. I straighten away from his arms, and he lets me go. “I have to go get ready for my date,” I say, wishing I could just stay there safe in his arms.
Blade frowns. “You’re not still going, are you?”
“He didn’t let me say no. And he’ll cancel the grant if I don’t go.” Not to mention telling everyone who I really am and getting me sent back to the living nightmare of Ravenwood.
“But he’s forcing you to go.” Blade’s expression from a moment ago is gone. Now he’s all pissed-off jaguar. “That’s blackmail.”
I shrug. “That doesn’t mean I can’t use it to my advantage.” It’s not the first time I’ve had to pretend to be someone I’m not.
“Surely the Professor wouldn’t let you do that?”
I take a moment to think about the Professor’s reaction. I shake my head. “Nope. The Professor wouldn’t have any concerns about me going out with Connor to seal the deal on the grant.”
He glowers at me. “Nice boss you’ve got there.”
“He’s desperate for the funding,” I say. “Not everyone has cash coming out their ears.”
“You shouldn’t have agreed to go on a date with him. It’s ridiculous.”
Part of me wants to tell him exactly why I’m doing this. That it’s about more than the dumb grant. But I can’t risk it. I have too much to lose. “Look, I know it’s not id
eal, but I said I’d do it. I’m not going to back out now.”
Besides, he doesn’t get to boss me around.
Blade’s getting agitated now. He’s moved on from frowning and glowering to glaring at me like I’m an ax murderer. “He’s dangerous. And he’s involved in the demon plague up to his perfectly shaped siren ears. You can’t go.”
“If he is involved—and you have no proof that he is—that makes it even more important that I go. He might let something slip that will help us in our investigation. This could be an important piece of recon for us.”
“Don’t talk to me about recon,” growls Blade. “You don’t even know what it means. You’ve just picked it up from action movies.”
“Then I can find out useful information, is that better?” Blade’s really starting to piss me off now. One minute I’m allowed to go into a dangerous situation with demons, next minute I can’t go on a date with a potential suspect. “Make up your mind. Am I a SIG Agent or not?” There’s something inside me that just can’t help poking at Blade. Just to see if he’ll snap.
“SIG Agents usually go on a six-month training course at a secret location before they’re even allowed out in the field. They usually come from other military organizations. They have experience.”
I’m momentarily intrigued. “Is that what you did?”
Blade hesitates, then shakes his head. “Well, no. But I’d been training with my father since I was a kid. That was different.”
“Did you ever think I might be different too?” I say the words softly.
“You need to take this slow. Don’t put yourself in dangerous situations right away.”
“I think this is far less dangerous than the demon hunt you took me on.”
“That’s different, you were with me. You’re just being stubborn.”
“Me? Stubborn?” I shake my head. “You’re crazy.”
He steps closer, his eyes flashing. “I’m being serious here. As your boss, I forbid you to go on this date.” He’s looming over me like I’m some kind of naughty kid.
“Excuse me? Did you just ban me from leaving the house?”
“I did. It’s for your own good.”
I glare at him, then step past him and stalk across the living room into my bathroom. I slam the door on his arrogant, still-glowering face.
Who the hell does he think he is? I’m so mad, I accidentally put the hot water on too high and almost burn myself in the shower. He doesn’t get to boss me around like that.
I get out, dry myself off, and wrap myself up in my favorite towel to make the walk from my bathroom to the bedroom. I glare in his direction as I walk out of the bathroom, and he’s standing in the same place, watching the hall. There’s a tick in his cheek that I’m kind of proud of. I put that there.
I jerk open my closet and search the contents. There’s not much in here that’s suitable. A lot of jeans and T-shirts. But there is one little black dress that might just do it….
About fifteen minutes later, I walk out of my bedroom, feeling like a million dollars. It’s amazing what a nice dress and a bit of makeup can do for a person. The dress is long enough that it’s covering the bandage over my healing scar, but shows enough leg to make me feel great. Even my hair is cooperating tonight and hanging in loose brown curls down over my shoulders. I’m wearing it out of its normal ponytail.
Blade’s eyes widen as he sees me, and it’s kind of satisfying.
“I thought I told you that you’re not going?”
“You don’t get a say in my private life. And this is most definitely none of your business.”
He strides over to me, using his height to loom over me. “You don’t understand. This isn’t safe.” His hands clench at his sides.
“I understand that this is an opportunity to find out more information for our case. I’ll keep him in public places. I won’t rock the boat. Nothing is going to happen.”
His eyes are flashing green, and his whole posture is rock hard. He looks like he’s trying to control himself from saying something more. He looks wild, like he’s on the tipping point of turning into his jaguar shape.
Then he growls, a low sexy noise that makes all the hairs on my arms stand on end. He leans in and grabs me. For a second, I think he’s going to manhandle me into a closet, and I tense, ready to fight. But instead of using force, he crushes his lips down over mine.
It’s a hard, unforgiving kiss, born out of frustration and anger, but it’s just what I’ve been craving. The demon inside me fizzes like it’s a firecracker. My hands are tingling and my body trembles as I reach up my hands and curl them into his hair, dragging him closer. He deepens the kiss, and heat burns through my whole body, blazing with desire for Blade. I can’t get enough of him. I want to feel his lips over my whole body. I want to rip his clothes off and drag him to the bedroom.
I want—
The doorbell rings.
Connor is here.
Blade growls against my lips. “Don’t let him in,” he murmurs.
“Don’t try to control me,” I whisper back. “I can handle this.” I step back and away from him, glancing in the mirror by the door. I wipe my smeared lipstick and try to make myself look a little less like a woman who’s just been thoroughly kissed. Behind me I can hear Blade pacing back and forth like a caged animal.
I open the door and smile.
Connor is waiting on the other side, his usual suave smile in place. His expensive suit feels too sharp, and the glint of his Rolex on his wrist a little too bright. I feel the magic pulsing around him, swirling toward me. He’s trying to use his siren magic on me.
Whatever he’s doing, it’s not working. He just looks like a creepy, arrogant guy with an attitude problem, like he did in his office. I can still feel the heat from Blade’s lips on mine, and it’s blocking out anything Connor is doing to me.
“Good evening, Hazel. These are for you.” Connor hands me some flowers and a box of chocolates. Again, I feel his silky magic drifting over my skin. He’s really laying it on thick tonight.
I smile and accept the presents. “Thank you so much, Connor,” I say, playing the enamored date that he’s so obviously wanting. “Just let me grab my handbag.”
I turn to get the bag from the hall table, but Connor has looked past me and into my apartment. “What’s he doing here?” he says sharply, his eyes narrowing.
I gesture vaguely at Blade. “He’s my security detail.”
“He’s not coming with us to the restaurant,” says Connor, his voice menacing.
“No, he’s going to stay right here,” I say, looking back at Blade. I hope he doesn’t see the sudden doubt in my expression. Connor doesn’t seem that stable tonight.
Blade just crosses his arms over his chest and glares at Connor. “I’ll go where I damn well please,” he snarls. “Apparently it’s my right.”
I let out a breath, my gaze resting on Blade’s strong face for a moment. Suddenly, every inch, every particle of me, wants to go back in time to a few moments ago, when I was in his arms, his lips on mine, scorching desire flowing through every part of my body. My breath hitches, and I catch a flicker in his bright green eyes before it’s gone, and his expression tightens. I tighten my fingers around my handbag and look away from him. It’s too late to change my mind now.
I take a step out into the hallway, and close the door firmly behind me, turning toward Connor with a forced smile.
“You look lovely,” says Connor with a smile, his perfect teeth almost glowing white.
I nod absently, trying to get my focus back on Connor and away from the feel of Blade’s muscles under my hands. His lips on mine.
I clear my throat. “Thank you. Shall we go?” Just as I’m about to move toward the stairs, Nelson’s door opens on the other side of the hall. Without thinking, I step in front of Connor, so I’m blocking his view of Nelson.
“Hey, Hazel,” says Nelson, practically bouncing as he wa
lks. “I didn’t know you were going out. Can I still work on my project in your lab tonight?” he says in a rush. His eyes are bright, and he’s got an excited expression on his face. He hasn’t even noticed Connor.
“Uh, sure. Just go on in.” I gesture at my door. Blade is there, he’ll make sure nothing bad happens to Nelson.
“Thanks, Hazel! You’re the best.” Nelson gives me a hug and then rushes past me and into my apartment. The demon fizzes, making my insides shiver. I’m getting all the hugs today.
I look up to find Connor staring at me with a calculating expression. “He seems like a cute kid,” he says.
On the surface, his words sound like they mean one thing, but his tone makes them sound creepy and bad. His magic is still trying to curl itself around me, silky and sweet like cotton candy, so I’m guessing he thinks he’s got me under his control. That it doesn’t matter what kind of tone he uses.
But my emotions are still tangled, and my lips still tingling from Blade’s crushing kiss. Added to that, the demon is fizzing inside me, bouncing around like it’s one of those balls in an arcade game. Between them, they’re keeping my head on straight.
But I can’t let Connor know that.
“He’s a good kid, yeah,” I say. I hesitate, but then decide to lay it on thick. “I don’t really know him that well. You know what it’s like in an apartment building.”
“Really? He gave you a hug.”
“He hugs the mailman. He’s a hugger.”
“Shall we go?” Connor says, holding out the crook of his arm.
I take it and smile, wishing I didn’t have to get that close to him. I catch a whiff of his cologne, something sharp and masculine. It makes me want to throw up. His magic is swirling around me, making me claustrophobic.
I don’t understand why I can feel his magic all of a sudden. It’s like I’m more sensitive to other forms of magic now. My chalice powers seem to be expanding. I need to research it, find out more information.